Magnesium sulfate Aqua Plus
Liquid sulfur-magnesium (MgS) concentrate in combination with nitrogen (N), a wide range of L-amino acids and microelements. Recommended for extra-root (foliar) feeding, soil application (as a starter fertilizer), as well as for watering and fertigation of all agricultural crops, fruit plantations, vineyards, vegetables in open and closed soil, flowers, etc.
Properties and application
- The fertilizer is characterized by versatility and wide range of action
- Ensures simultaneous nutrition of plants with nitrogen, magnesium and sulfur
- Promotes plant growth and development processes in multi-vector way
- Activates seed germination and obtaining healthy, optimum plants emergence when used as a starter fertilizer
- Owing to nitrogen, amino acids and microelements, the fertilizer has higher efficiency compared to crystalline and granular forms of magnesium sulfate
- Works perfectly in conditions of drought, low air humidity, etc.
- At extra-root feeding, it is combined with all plant protection products, fertilizers, microfertilizers, growth stimulants and regulators, etc.
- Due to the high content of L-amino acids (glycine, glutamine, valine, methionine, lysine, etc.), it acts as a growth stimulator and anti-stress
- Quickly restores plants after various damages (frost, hail, pests, etc.)
- Eliminates phytotoxicity after using pesticides
- Ensures yields increase and products quality improvement
Application recommendations
Application rate for extra-root (foliar) feeding of all field crops (cereals, corn, sunflower, soybeans, beets, vegetables, melons and gourds) should be 1-2 l/ha; for fruit plantations, vineyards – 2-4 l/ha; when applied by seed drills in a row, during sowing – 40-60 l/ha; when watering – 10 l/200 l of water; for fertigation – 1-10 l per day depending on the phase of crops growth and development and yield potential.